SNMP is a widely implemented feature for collecting network information from the router and/or host. FRR itself does not support SNMP agent (server daemon) functionality but is able to connect to an SNMP agent using the AgentX protocol (RFC 2741) and make the routing protocol MIBs available through it.
- agentx
Start SNMP Daemon and AgentX on the system
- no agentx
Stop SNMP Daemon and AgentX on the system
SNMP Users
To access the SNMP MIBs, one or more users should be available. Currently, only SNMPv3 is supported.
- snmp-server user USER auth <md5|sha> PASSWORD [priv des56 PRIV]
Create a user named USER with authNoPriv security level and as ROUser. The user provides the authentication protocol and password. If priv is provided, a user named USER with authPriv security level as a ROUser is created.
Password length can’t be lesser than
soodar(config)# snmp-server user normal-user auth sha 12345678 soodar(config)# snmp-server user priv-user auth sha 12345678 priv des56 87654321