Transform set

Define authentication and encryption algorithms

crypto ipsec transform-set IPSECTS ah hmac HMAC_ALG

Use AH mode

crypto ipsec transfor-set IPSECTS  esp {hmac HMAC_ALG |cipher CIPHER_ALG}

Use ESP mode. HMAC algorithm is not needed/ignored when using GCM cipher algorithms.

mode transport

In transport mode, the Original IP header is not changed. Only AH or ESP header is added.

mode tunnel

A new IP header is added in tunnel mode in front of the original IP header.

Example :

soodar(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set ipsec-tunnel-TS esp hmac sha-96 cipher aes-192
soodar(cfg-crypto-trans)# mode transport


Store encryption/decryption keys.

There are two ways of establishing SAs for IPSec: using static pre-defined keys and IKEv2 profiles. One should choose just one method, and using 2 methods yields inconsistency.

crypto ipsec profile IPSECPROFILE

Create a new profile IPSECPROFILE.

set transform-set IPSECTS


An IPSec profile without Transform set is useless.

set ikev2 profile IKEPROFILE

Set profile’s IKEv2 profile to establish an IKEv2 session and SAs.


An IKEv2 profile should be exclusive to one profile. And a profile using an IKEv2 profile should be bound to a tunnel and can’t be used on two tunnels. So for each tunnel, we need an IKEv2 profile and an IPSec profile.

set security-association lifetime second (120-28800)

When using IKEv2, set SA rekeying criterion as time.


IPSec SAs are installed when the IPSec profile protects a tunnel.

Example: Setup an IPSec profile using IKEv2 and PSK

soodar1(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal PROPOSAL
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha-96
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption des
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 28
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# crypto ikev2 keyring KEY-1
soodar1(config-ikev2-keyring)# peer PC-1
soodar1(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# address
soodar1(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# idnetity email pc1@local.net
soodar1(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# pre-shared-key PSKPASS
soodar1(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# crypto ikev2 profile profile-ike
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# identity local address
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# match identity remote email pc1@local.net
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# keyring local KEY-1
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# proposal PROPOSAL
soodar1(config)# crypto ipsec profile ipsec-transport-profile
soodar1(ipsec-profile)#  set transform-set ipsec-tunnel-TS
soodar1(ipsec-profile)#  set ikev2 profile profile-ike

and in the other router:

soodar2(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal PROPOSAL
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha-96
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption des
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 28
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# crypto ikev2 keyring KEY-1
soodar2(config-ikev2-keyring)# peer PC-2
soodar2(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# idnetity address
soodar2(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# pre-shared-key PSKPASS
soodar2(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# crypto ikev2 profile profile-ike
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# identity local email pc1@local.net
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# match identity remote address
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# keyring local KEY-1
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# proposal PROPOSAL
soodar2(config)# crypto ipsec profile ipsec-transport-profile
soodar2(ipsec-profile)#  set transform-set ipsec-tunnel-TS
soodar2(ipsec-profile)#  set ikev2 profile profile-ike

Example: Setup an IPSec profile using IKEv2 and RSA-Sig

We have 2 routers, soodar1 and soodar2. We have a valid CA and a signed certificate for authentication on each of them. soodar1’s certificate has n1.local.net as SAN, `` and ``soodar2’s certificate has n2.local.net as SAN:

soodar1(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal PROPOSAL
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha-384
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption aes
soodar1(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 28
soodar1(config)# crypto ikev2 profile profile-ike
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# identity local fqdn n1.local.net
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# lifetime 2400
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# match identity remote fqdn n2.local.net
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# authentication local rsa-sig
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# authentication remote rsa-sig
soodar1(config-ikev2-profile)# proposal PROPOSAL
soodar1(config)# crypto ipsec profile ipsec-transport-profile
soodar1(ipsec-profile)#  set transform-set ipsec-tunnel-TS
soodar1(ipsec-profile)#  set ikev2 profile profile-ike

and in the other router:

soodar2(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal PROPOSAL
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha-384
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption aes
soodar2(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 28
soodar2(config)# crypto ikev2 profile profile-ike
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# identity local fqdn n2.local.net
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# lifetime 2400
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# match identity remote fqdn n1.local.net
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# authentication local rsa-sig
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# authentication remote rsa-sig
soodar2(config-ikev2-profile)# proposal PROPOSAL
soodar2(config)# crypto ipsec profile ipsec-transport-profile
soodar2(ipsec-profile)#  set transform-set ipsec-tunnel-TS
soodar2(ipsec-profile)#  set ikev2 profile profile-ike


To track ipsec/ikev2 profiles state and their initiation state, users can view logs( for initiation state/errors) and SA details.


Debugging logs can be set in case of need.

debug ipsec event

log data plane installation processes and results

debug ipsec vici json

log all incoming VICI messages as json

debug ipsec vici detail

log all incoming VICI messages as json and raw

To view IPSec detailed logs, use show log ipsec command to view StrongSwan logs.

Show commands

To view current state of ipsec SAs or IKEv2 SAs the following commands are provided in the router:

show crypto ikev2 sa [detailed] [json]

Shows installed IKEv2 SAs details

soodar# show crypto ikev2 sa

Profile ike-n1-n2
  Status:           ESTABLISHED
  Encr:             AES_CBC-128
  Hash:             HMAC_SHA2_384_192
  DH Grp:           ECP_256_BP
  Life/Active Time: 240/190 sec
soodar# show crypto ikev2 sa detailed

Profile ike-n1-n2
  Status:           ESTABLISHED
  Encr:             AES_CBC-128
  Hash:             HMAC_SHA2_384_192
  DH Grp:           ECP_256_BP
  Life/Active Time: 240/195 sec
  Local ID:         n1.local.net
  Remote ID:        n2.local.net
  Local SPI:        8b545f20ca649813
  Remote SPI:       8b545f20ca649813
  Configured DPD:   10 sec
  Rekey in:         33 sec
soodar# show crypto ikev2 sa json
        "name": "ike-n1-n2",
        "id": "3",
        "state": "ESTABLISHED",
        "dpd": 10,
        "lifetime": 240,
        "local-host": "",
        "local-port": "500",
        "local-id": "n1.local.net",
        "remote-host": "",
        "remote-port": "500",
        "remote-id": "n2.local.net",
        "initiator": false,
        "initiator-spi": "39afd77a4c51edc0",
        "responder-spi": "39afd77a4c51edc0",
        "established": "218",
        "rekey-time": "21",
        "encr-alg": "AES_CBC-128",
        "integ-alg": "HMAC_SHA2_384_192",
        "prf-alg": "PRF_HMAC_SHA2_384",
        "dh-group": "ECP_256_BP",
        "child-sas": [
                "name": "ipsec-n1-n2",
                "id": "13",
                "state": "INSTALLED",
                "mode": "TUNNEL",
                "protocol": "ESP",
                "spi-in": "ccb6c76d",
                "spi-out": "c6ccd9e1",
                "encr-alg": "AES_CBC-128",
                "integ-alg": "HMAC_SHA2_256_128",
                "bytes-in": "0",
                "packets-in": "0",
                "bytes-out": "0",
                "packets-out": "0",
                "rekey-time": "32",
                "life-time": "45",
                "install-time": "21"
show crypto ipsec sa [detailed] [json]

Shows installed IPSec SAs details

soodar# show crypto ipsec sa

Profile ipsec-n1-n2
  Status:            INSTALLED
  IKEv2 Profile:     ike-n1-n2
  Mode:              TUNNEL
  Protocol:          ESP
  Encr:              AES_CBC-128
  Hash:              HMAC_SHA2_256_128
  Life/Active Time:  66/32 sec
soodar# show crypto ipsec sa detailed

Profile ipsec-n1-n2
  Status:            INSTALLED
  IKEv2 Profile:     ike-n1-n2
  Mode:              TUNNEL
  Protocol:          ESP
  Encr:              AES_CBC-128
  Hash:              HMAC_SHA2_256_128
  Life/Active Time:  66/32 sec
  Bytes Decrypted:   0
  Packets Decrypted: 0
  Bytes Encrypted:   0
  Packets Encrypted: 0
  Inbound SPI:       c322afbc
  Outbound SPI:      c9211ed0
  Rekey in:          25 sec
soodar# show crypto ipsec sa json
        "name": "ike-n1-n2",
        "id": "4",
        "state": "ESTABLISHED",
        "dpd": 10,
        "lifetime": 240,
        "local-host": "",
        "local-port": "500",
        "local-id": "n1.local.net",
        "remote-host": "",
        "remote-port": "500",
        "remote-id": "n2.local.net",
        "initiator": false,
        "initiator-spi": "9fc4c36e3ecc04ca",
        "responder-spi": "9fc4c36e3ecc04ca",
        "established": "133",
        "rekey-time": "85",
        "encr-alg": "AES_CBC-128",
        "integ-alg": "HMAC_SHA2_384_192",
        "prf-alg": "PRF_HMAC_SHA2_384",
        "dh-group": "ECP_256_BP",
        "child-sas": [
                "name": "ipsec-n1-n2",
                "id": "16",
                "state": "INSTALLED",
                "mode": "TUNNEL",
                "protocol": "ESP",
                "spi-in": "c93bfde8",
                "spi-out": "caaea224",
                "encr-alg": "AES_CBC-128",
                "integ-alg": "HMAC_SHA2_256_128",
                "bytes-in": "0",
                "packets-in": "0",
                "bytes-out": "0",
                "packets-out": "0",
                "rekey-time": "48",
                "life-time": "56",
                "install-time": "10"