Network Address Translation is a method of changing packet IP address. SoodarOS uses PNAT variation which change Port and Address.

NAT Static Mapping

Define a static mapping for address translation.

Address only NAT

In this mode, only address is translated to given address. Depending on flow direction( whether it’s in2out or out2in) the source or destination of packet is changed.

When a packet containing a source same as local address is passing through an input interface, its source is replaced with global address. When a packet containing a destination same as global address is passing through an output interface, its destination is replaced with local address.

ip nat inside source static A.B.C.D A.B.C.D

Add a new static map entry to NAT static table. first IP is local address and second IP is global address.

Example :

soodar(config)# ip nat inside source static
soodar(config)# interface ge0
soodar(config-if)# ip nat inside
soodar(config)# interface ge1
soodar(config-if)# ip nat outside

Define a static map entry that translates every ingress traffic from ge0 sourced from to ( Also known as Source NAT). Every packet coming from ge1 which is destined to is also translated to

soodar(config)# ip nat inside source static
soodar(config)# interface ge0
soodar(config-if)# ip nat outside
soodar(config)# interface ge1
soodar(config-if)# ip nat inside

Define a static map entry that translates every ingress traffic from ge0 destined to to ( Also known as Destination NAT). Every packet coming from ge1 which is sourced from is also translated to

Protocol NAT

Sometimes we need to be more specific about our NAT and just translates a specified protocol on a defined port. So when defining an entry, we introduce the protocol and desired ports too. All other aspects of this entry( including behaviour) is like the simpe Address only NAT.

ip nat inside source static <tcp|udp> A.B.C.D (1-65535) A.B.C.D (1-65535)

Add a new static map entry to NAT static table. first IP is local address and the number following is its port. second IP is global address and the number following is its port.

Example :

soodar(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 444 666
soodar(config)# interface ge0
soodar(config-if)# ip nat inside
soodar(config)# interface ge1
soodar(config-if)# ip nat outside

Define a static map entry that translates every ingress traffic from ge0 sourced from to ( Also known as Source NAT). Every packet coming from ge1 which is destined to is also translated to

soodar(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 666 444
soodar(config)# interface ge0
soodar(config-if)# ip nat outside
soodar(config)# interface ge1
soodar(config-if)# ip nat inside

Define a static map entry that translates every ingress traffic from ge0 destined to to ( Also known as Destination NAT). Every packet coming from ge1 which is sourced from is also translated to

Dynamic NAT

In dynamic NAT, every packet’s source outgoing from an input interface and destined to an output interface is translated to an IP, provided by IP pool.

For every source translation, a new session is created and it’s state is keeped. so the packets coming from an output interface and having a matched session, it’s destination is changed with respect to the session’s information.

NAT IP pool

A pool of available IP addresses to use as a NAT IP.

ip nat pool PNAT44 A.B.C.D [ A.B.C.D ]

Add an IP( or an IP range if second IP is provided) to a nat pool named PNAT44

Example :

soodar(config)# ip nat pool p1
soodar(config)# ip nat pool p2

First command create p1 nat pool and add ip to it. the second one adds to to p2 nat pool.

Put interface behind NAT

ip nat inside

Define an interface as a NAT inside interface.

ip nat outside

Define an interface as a NAT outside interface.

Example configuration

soodar(config)# int ge0
soodar(config-if)#  ip nat outside
soodar(config)# int ge2
soodar(config-if)#  ip nat inside
soodar(config)# ip nat pool nat1